Client: Arete Student Academic Journal
Goal: To design and print the 2018 edition of Arete, a publication at St. Edward’s University.
Role: Cover design, illustrations, and typeface choice. I also helped the senior designer with some of the layout but she did the majority of typesetting.
In the 2018 edition, I had the honor of being junior designer for Arete, the student academic journal on my campus. The senior designer and I wanted this year’s journal to break conventions. We wanted to keep the sophistication and professionalism that is the journal, while being a bit more playful and spontaneous. That’s why we chose a pink cover: to bring a little spontaneity to the academic world.
The other guiding design element was paper. Having been published for over 20 years, we thought paper was a perfect call to the physical material it is printed on. The cover typography was created physically using photos of printed text that was then cut out. The chapter elements are hand-drawn origami animals to indicate which section of the book you are reading.