Sabrina Smith

Creating meaningful design in a visually saturated world.

ATX Hack for Change Impact Report

BREIF: To create a document showcasing the growth and impact of the ATX Hack for Change hackathon

DESIGN: The hackathon is an event for the Austin community first and foremost. It creates the opportunity for people to come together to “hack” issues within the Austin area. Over the course of 3 days, hackers are tasked with creating a solution to a problem posed by other Austinites. The event is fun and community oriented while still having that professional vibe.

I used a strong font to bring out the importance of the information within the document. The colors are ATX Hack for Change brand colors. I used various icons to introduce the reader to new information. I wanted to create a layout that was both interesting and legible. The use of images was very important to my client, as they would serve as real examples of the impact of the event. Using the lines and squares within the book allow for the feeling of uniformity and professionalism.